&Katern, Regionale Persgroep15 februari 2017
mBladJanuari 2017
De Standaard Weekblad2017
ZorginstellingenJanuari 2017
Volkskrant31 december 2016
Material MattersHet alternatief voor onze roofbouw-maatschappij
PZC3 november 2016
HP De Tijd1 november 2016
The Art of LivingSeptember 2015
Vakblad Stedenbouw & ArchitectuurJuni 2015
De ArchitectMei 2015
Zeeuwse Milieufederatie, WantijMaart 2015
Auteur Rob Kregting
Turntoo’s groundbreaking results are used internationally as an example for innovative solutions. Through interviews, reports, and articles in both general and the professional media, Turntoo’s message is spread. The response shows that Turntoo’s results inspire and incite action, by combining vision and concrete examples.
Various media write extensively about cases like Pay Per Lux / Circular Lighting, sitting hours, the material passport and using a building as a material depot. CEO Thomas Rau is regarded as a visionary, holds third place in the annual Durable 100 of Dutch newspaper Trouw and is acclaimed for ‘his inspiring contribution to the societal and architectonical agenda.’